Old’n’Slow Soccer
Soccer is for everyone, not just youth players. Old’n’Slow Soccer is adult pick-up soccer on Tuesday nights beginning July 11. Whomever shows up, plays. All ages and abilities are welcome. Players who are younger adults (18-30 years old) can play, but if they are more competitive players they have to agree to dial it back a bit. The idea behind this program is to promote soccer activity, with recognition that some of us are not in peak soccer form. Friendly matches for those who love the game, or want to learn a new game.
Please note, 18 year old players, who are currently registered to play in South Dundas United’s youth soccer programming are ineligible to play in the adult soccer due to insurance regulations. Adult players must be 18 years old to play.
There is no charge for this program. A registration sheet is required for your first time playing. Shin guards and outdoor soccer cleats are required. This is co-ed, everyone welcome. If fewer than 10 arrive, we will break out the smaller goals and play a small sided game. Otherwise its 8v8 adult soccer.
Where: South Dundas Soccer Fields, Field C (corner of Lakeview and Elizabeth in Iroquois)
When: Tuesday nights from 6:30 p.m. beginning July 11.
For more information, email info@southdundasunited.ca