Season Sponsors include: Tim Hortons Tim Bit Sports, and BMO. Gold sponsors include: Landex Earthworks, Home Hardware, Dundas Dairy Producers, and Canadian Tire Morrisburg. Silver Sponsors include: A+ Property Services, Brokerlink Insurance – Rick Beer, Bucket Hat Design, Century 21 – Rivers Edge Realty – Chris Wiltshire, Cochrane Construction, Emard Bros. Lumber, Hunter Jones Designs, Jansen Engineering Services, Laura's Valu-Mart, Mullin Excavating, Northern Latitudes, Smail Accounting Services, and Sports Fix.

Fall Soccer

Season Schedule

  • Sept 12
  • Sept 19
  • Sept 26
  • Oct 3
  • Oct 10
  • Oct 17
  • Playoffs Oct 21

You asked, we listened, because soccer isn’t just played in the summer. South Dundas Soccer is pleased to announce a Fall Season this year.

This year two divisions will be fielded, U10 and U13. There will be a total of four teams in each division, with six regular season games scheduled starting Tuesday, September 12th at 6pm.

Team registration will be capped at 15 players per team. Once the spaces are filled, no other registrations will be accepted for this year.

Registration is $35 and is due by September 8th. Download the form here.

The U10 Division is for players born in 2007 and 2008, U13 for players born 2004, 2005 and 2006.

How it works:

U10 teams will play on Fields C and E, U13 on Fields A and D. All four games will occur at the same time with referees. U10 games are two, 25 minute halves with a 5 minute half time; U13 games will be two 30 minute halves.

Tuesday nights are GAME NIGHT. It will be up to each team coach to decide what night practice is on, if any.

Each team will play each other twice in the division. The last regular season game is October 17th. On October 21st, there will be a one day playoff day. First place vs Fourth, Second place vs Third. The winner of each playoff game will face off for the South Dundas Cup championship. A BBQ or Pizza Party will be held at the conclusion of the playoff championship.

All games will have referees.

If you are interested in registering or coaching, contact Phil at 543-2168 or at

Teams and Schedules

Field A (U13) Field C (U10) Field D (U13) Field E (U10)
Sept 12 Galaxy vs Thunder Lightning vs Voyagers Islanders vs Loyalists Fury vs Impact
Sept 19 Thunder vs Loyalists Impact vs Lightning Galaxy vs Islanders Fury vs Voyagers
Sept 26 Thunder vs Islanders Fury vs Lightning Galaxy vs Loyalists Impact vs Voyagers
Oct 3 Islanders vs Loyalists Fury vs Impact Galaxy vs Thunder Lightning vs Voyagers
Oct 10 Galaxy vs Islanders Fury vs Voyagers Thunder vs Loyalists Impact vs Lightning
Oct 17 Galaxy vs Loyalists Impact vs Voyagers Thunder vs Islanders Fury vs Lightning
Oct 21 2nd vs 3rd 2nd vs 3rd 1st vs 4th 1st vs 4th
Oct 21 U13 Championship U10 Championship
Division Team Name Colour
U13 Galaxy Red
U13 Thunder Blue
U13 Islanders Yellow
U13 Loyalists Green
U10 Fury Red
U10 Lightning Blue
U10 Impact Yellow
U10 Voyagers Green