Season Sponsors include: Tim Hortons Tim Bit Sports, and BMO. Gold sponsors include: Landex Earthworks, Home Hardware, Dundas Dairy Producers, and Canadian Tire Morrisburg. Silver Sponsors include: A+ Property Services, Brokerlink Insurance – Rick Beer, Bucket Hat Design, Century 21 – Rivers Edge Realty – Chris Wiltshire, Cochrane Construction, Emard Bros. Lumber, Hunter Jones Designs, Jansen Engineering Services, Laura's Valu-Mart, Mullin Excavating, Northern Latitudes, Smail Accounting Services, and Sports Fix.

Dundas Dairy Producers

2024 Gold Sponsor Profile

The Dundas Dairy Producers Committee (DDPC) is a group of local dairy farmers that work in Dundas County to educate about milk and dairy farming, contribute to community events and keep producers connected to what’s going on in the industry.

Milk is a big part of what we consume and comes in a variety of foods and snacks that are great to have at any event. The DDPC has provided milk for many different events, such as ice cream for the local fairs, cheese strings for Christmas Parades, and chocolate milk for youth sporting events. Through some of these events, the DDPC also raises money for the local charities.

The DDPC is always looking for ways to give back locally and are ready to lend a hand or provide refreshments for any activity or event.