1. SWEARING: at the coaches/referees/fellow teammates WILL NOT be tolerated either during a practice, skills development or game. The player(s) will be warned twice and if the behaviour continues during the current practice/skills development/game he/she/they will eb asked to sit on the sidelines. If the behaviour continues during the current activity, the player(s) will be asked to sit out the remaining practice/skills development/game. Should this behaviour be repeated at future practices/skills development/games, the coach will remove the player(s) from the field and suspend the player(s) for the remainder of the practice/skills development/game. If the player is suspended a total of two(2) games, the South Dundas Soccer Association committee will review the situation with the possibility of suspending the player(s) for the remainder of the season and any/all tournaments.
2. RUDE/INSOLENT BEHAVIOUR: Rude/insolent behaviour on the part of player(s) (ex. Deliberately disobeying a direct request to participate in drills, talking while the coach is instructing the team) is not constructive behaviour and creates a difficult atmosphere in which to learn. The coach will warn the player(s) twice and if the behaviour continues, he/she/they will be dealt with in the same manner as above.
3. DRUGS/ALCOHOL: Drug or Alcohol usage at a soccer practice/skills development/game will result in immediate ejection from the field. A first-time offence will result in an automatic suspension for the remainder of the season. As well, the individual(s) will not be able to attend AND tournaments during or after the season. Any infraction of this nature will also be reported to the Ontario Provincial Police.
4. PHYSICAL THREAT: Any player(s) physically threatening another player, coach or referee will be immediately removed from the field. A first-time offence will result in an automatic suspension for the remainder of the season. As well the individual(s) will not be able to attend AND tournaments during or after the season.